Get the movement skills you actually want to learn.

In this weekly intensive you will get the knowledge and most important exercises to access the potential of your body. Focusing on one specific principle each time.


Tuesdays @ Prenzlauer Berg 2 - 6:15-8:15 PM

Always check schedule below for exact time!


Per Class — 22€

Buy the full cycle — 120€
(9 Classes for only 13€ per class)

Choose option in schedule below to book.


Limelight Collective
Kastanienallee 71
10435 Berlin

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Open Level. No prior dance experience needed, but practice in movement is recommended. The classes are physical.

All techniques are explained from the baseline, beginner level - working at a pace to progress and keep you challenged.

Recap Classes - Summary of Concepts to deepen your practice, combine knowledge or catch up if you missed classes.

Next full cycle starting August 6th.


Apr 30
6:15 pm
Urban Sports
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May 7
6:15 pm
Advanced Lifts
Urban Sports
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May 14
6:15 pm
Floorwork, Falling, Rolling
Urban Sports
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May 21
6:15 pm
Contact / Partnering Principles
Urban Sports
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May 28
6:15 pm
Lift Techniques, Jumps
Urban Sports
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Aug 6
6:15 pm
Full Course
Urban Sports
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About the class

Get the tools to build your movement foundation

CLASS 1: Movement Qualities / Body Parts

You will learn to use different qualities of movement. We will work with images and shapes to practice fluid/round as well as sharper, isolated movements. 

To get more control in your movement it is important to understand where you initiate the movement from. Where does it begin and where is it ending?

By working with and separating individual body parts we recognize the infinite possibilities of movement creation. 

In the class we will work with specific improvisation exercises to train the body and artistic mind to find unique movement vocabulary. You will start to create a versatile melody in your improvisation.


Fluid, Round Shapes — Vectors, Lines — Fragmentation, Isolation — Density — Detailed, Small Movements — Full Range of Movement — Rhythmic Changes 

CLASS 2: Floorwork Basics 1

In this session we will explore different techniques to enter and exit the ground and practice elements to move across the floor. 

The focus will be on rolling and sliding. If you have the right technique, floorwork becomes effortless and adds a lot of options into your movement routine. Floorwork helps building your strength in a 3-dimensional way. 

CLASS 3: Shifting Weight / Traveling Space

As we often practice moving at home or in limited spaces we tend to stagnate on the spot. In this session we will focus on using our weight shifting and practice movement principles to travel in space. 

Properly shifting our weight on to different body parts is crucial for many movement techniques and partner work.

How can we travel not just walking or running? We explore how our movements can expand as well as how we can visualize space from different perspectives in order to bring more creative ideas for our movement.

CLASS 4: Falling + Floorwork Basics 2

When taking the weight shift to an extreme the body will start to fall. Without practice or knowing any tools falling can seem scary and the body is tensing up. 

Understand different ways of falling to find softness in it. We use falling to combine it with floorwork tools and practice on catching your own fall in order to recover the body. The fall gives us kinetic energy and momentum to use for movement instead of hitting the ground hard.

CLASS 5: Contact Principles / Tools

After exploring movement in your own body it’s time to start exploring movement with another person. We learn how to listen and communicate through the body with each other. Exploring communication tools using dynamics and rhythm as well as principles from contact improvisation like rolling/sliding point of contact, sharing weight, leaning, pushing/pulling.

Exercises help us form a common sense of movement to improvise and play together. 

The class focus is on the technical aspects behind partnerwork to understand and work with precision. 

CLASS 6: Partnering Technique

In this class we move on to work in pairs and trios. In partnering technique we work with exercises to understand distribution and placement of our weight. Using counterweight or a shared axis to understand the physical principles used in motion.

The class focuses on the technical aspects behind partnerwork to understand and work with precision. 

In the end we will explore how these principles can be applied and connected more fluid to move in and out of contact.

CLASS 7: Basic Lifts

This session provides you with a library of basic lifts that you can practice and learn. These lifts can be adapted further on and you can start to create multiple versions of them. 

It will give you a baseline to incorporate into your movement vocabulary.

CLASS 8: Jumps

You want to jump higher and land softly again on the ground? In this session we explore techniques to practice jumps. Finding jumps that direct straight up as well as using jumps that are traveling far. You will get a variety of specific jumps to practice the coordination. 

Jumps from one foot, both feet - landing on one or both feet - landing on the ground 

CLASS 9: Advanced Lifts

You will learn a repertoire of lifts that are more advanced using jumps and going up on shoulder level or upside down. For that we will use technical aspects from the sessions before.

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Your Experience

Here’s what you will experience

Physical and Creative Growth

On both days we will focus on giving you the technical tools to encourage you to break free from your limitations.

Diverse Movement Exploration

Expand your vocabulary and technique. Whether you move alone or together with a partner. Standing or on the floor - fast or slow pace.

Targeted Exercises and Drills

You will learn the most effective exercises and techniques to evolve and refine your movement skills. Everything will be broken down to digest easily for the body. No extra fluff around to confuse.

Focused Class Environment

Each class is designed to give you the essence of knowledge and exercises that will help you progress and evolve in your movement.

Nothing is more thrilling than seeing your own process moving. Looking back to how something all of a sudden became easy.


Prenzlauer Berg

Limelight Collective
Kastanienallee 71
10435 Berlin


Your Instructor

Elke Kalupar

I am in love with studying the human body and its endless movement possibilities. After my studies in sports sciences and dance I realized this was just the start of a life-long exploration, that I am happy to share.

Frequently Asked QUestions

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Some classes include partnerwork, can I come alone?

There is no need to come with a partner. The idea is to learn from each other and swith around to get used to working wit different people and bodies.

I missed the start of the cycle, can I start at another point in time?

Yes, you can start with almost any class in the cycle and book a full 9 weeks cycle. Only the advanced lifts class should not your first class, unless you already have lots of experience.

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Set your movement free.

Limited spots available.

You are here to bring more freedom and versatility to your body and movement experience. Start to connect the dots.

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